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Touch My BodyFaces of Rap Mothers Vocal Group
00:00 / 03:26
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00:00 / 02:10
Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group
Video Promo #1

Video Promo #1

Faces of Rap Mothers signed with Capitol Records and Universal Music Group (UMG) also beginning to air other programming on their platforms with a suite of reels as promos - this is promo #1. Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your love and support! ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR PROMO REEL #1: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ AUTHOR CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #donnainkpublications, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #ZenConArts, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry
Video Promo 2, dpInk for DonnaInk Publications for Faces of Rap Mothers Apple TV, BET, & Universal

Video Promo 2, dpInk for DonnaInk Publications for Faces of Rap Mothers Apple TV, BET, & Universal

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo 2 created by dpInk Ltd. Liability for DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry for Faces of Rap Mothers for Apple TV, BET, and Universal marketing. Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your love and support! ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member KING THA RAPPER - Board Member Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate, Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR PROMO REEL #2: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ AUTHOR CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #donnainkpublications, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #ZenConArts, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #ChauntéWayans, #TheWayansFamily, #QueenG, #HONEYBLUNT, #SharonLynetteYoung, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersfilmmakingandmovieproductioncompany, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #substantiveeditorial, #Developmental, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #WOSB, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #executivesummaries, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #orgchart, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #resumewriting, #ghostwriting
Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . Madamm Meek, "Hated by All" - Promo Reel 4
Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #5  - Image Collage of Rap Mothers and Rap Fathers

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #5 - Image Collage of Rap Mothers and Rap Fathers

Faces of Rap Mothers signed with Capitol Records and Universal Music Group (UMG) and are airing on additional platforms - this is one of a suite of new promos and is Promo Reel #5 - this reel shares images of Rap Mothers and Rap Fathers associated with Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell the Founder and Owner of "Faces of Rap Mothers." There are collages in this promo and copies of the author's titles with images of the Rap Mothers and/or Rap Fathers included therein . . . _____________ CREDITS Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Founder Dianna Boss - CEO Donna L. Quesinberry - COO / Video Creations FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Books through DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C.: Beat Deep Books & Little Buggy Production Imprints Activity books under Creations by Q for You! Imprint under DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ________ Video compilation by dpInk Ltd. Liability for DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. for their author, Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell by Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - also the Chief Operations Officer (COO) for the Faces of Rap Mothers Enterprise and President of the Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network. ________ www.facesofrapmothers
The Seal Breakers on DonnaInk Productions Channel

The Seal Breakers on DonnaInk Productions Channel

"The Seal Breakers" on the DonnaInk Productions Channel on Faces of Rap Mothers ROKUTV Network - program, "The DonnaInk Book Show," which includes arts, literature, film, music, sound, & teelvision. Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit and show your love and support! ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ Credit for this Promotion Reel #2: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS INCLUDE: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #donnainkpublications, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #ZenConArts, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry
Faces of Rap Mothers Video Promo #8  -  Part One of Two Parts

Faces of Rap Mothers Video Promo #8 - Part One of Two Parts

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #8 Part 1 - features a compilation of Promo Reels viewed from the comfort of the home lounge . . . enjoy" Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your love and support! ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR THIS PROMO REEL #4: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS INCLUDE: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #MadammMeek, #SallySweets, #AngelGuyton, #BlaisaBaby, #DiannaBoss, #BenjiBoles, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #QueenG, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #substantiveeditorial, #Developmental, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #WOSB, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #executivesummaries, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #orgchart, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #resumewriting, #ghostwriting
Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #10

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #10

Reel #10 - Faces of Rap Mothers Vocal Group on the Red Carpet with KURUPT of The Dogg Pound, being transported, on stage, at events with additional Rap Mothers . . . more to come! Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your love and support! FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR PROMO REEL: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ AUTHOR CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #donnainkpublications, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #ZenConArts, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #KSHOY, #Kshoyentertainment, #ShontaGibson, #QueenG, #DiannaBoss, #MadammMeek, #SallySweets, #AngelGuyton, #BlaisaBaby, #BenjiBoles, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #ChauntéWayans, #TheWayansFamily, #QueenG, #HONEYBLUNT, #SharonLynetteYoung, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersfilmmakingandmovieproductioncompany, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #substantiveeditorial, #Developmental, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #WOSB, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #executivesummaries, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #orgchart, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #resumewriting, #ghostwriting
Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #10

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #10

Reel #10 - Faces of Rap Mothers Vocal Group on the Red Carpet with KURUPT of The Dogg Pound, being transported, on stage, at events with additional Rap Mothers . . . more to come! Visit Today: This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your love and support! FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR PROMO REEL: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ AUTHOR CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. ** Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #donnainkpublications, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #ZenConArts, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #KSHOY, #Kshoyentertainment, #ShontaGibson, #QueenG, #DiannaBoss, #MadammMeek, #SallySweets, #AngelGuyton, #BlaisaBaby, #BenjiBoles, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #ChauntéWayans, #TheWayansFamily, #QueenG, #HONEYBLUNT, #SharonLynetteYoung, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersfilmmakingandmovieproductioncompany, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #substantiveeditorial, #Developmental, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #WOSB, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #executivesummaries, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #orgchart, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #resumewriting, #ghostwriting
Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #6 - Remix of "I Know Ya"

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #6 - Remix of "I Know Ya"

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #6 created by dpInk Ltd. Liability for DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry for Faces of Rap Mothers for Apple TV, BET, and Universal marketing. Faces of Rap Mothers signed with Capitol Records and Universal Music Group (UMG) and are airing on additional platforms - this is one of a suite of new promos and is Promo Reel #5 - this reel shares images of Rap Mothers and Rap Fathers associated with Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell the Founder and Owner of "Faces of Rap Mothers." There are collages in this promo and copies of the author's titles with images of the Rap Mothers and/or Rap Fathers included therein . . . _____________ CREDITS Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Founder Dianna Boss - CEO Donna L. Quesinberry - COO / Video Creations FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Books through DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C.: Beat Deep Books & Little Buggy Production Imprints Activity books under Creations by Q for You! Imprint under DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ________ Video compilation by dpInk Ltd. Liability for DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. for their author, Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell by Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - also the Chief Operations Officer (COO) for the Faces of Rap Mothers Enterprise and President of the Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network. ________ www.facesofrapmothers #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #ChauntéWayans, #TheWayansFamily, #QueenG, #HONEYBLUNT, #SharonLynetteYoung, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersfilmmakingandmovieproductioncompany, #facesofrapmothersfashionmodels, #booksbyentertainers, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #substantiveeditorial, #Developmental, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #WOSB, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #executivesummaries, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #orgchart, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #resumewriting, #ghostwriting
Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell . . . My Goodies

Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell . . . My Goodies

Faces of Rap Mothers Promo Reel #7 - which features Madamm Meek, Dianna Boss, Benji Boles, Angel Guyton, Sally Sweets, and Blaisa Baby (on some songs) from the Faces of Rap Mothers Vocal Group; also, additional artisans involved in Faces of Rap Mothers . . . Visit:; This, the original Faces of Rap Mothers website, is provided to Rap Mothers and Fathers courtesy of DonnaInk Publications and dpInk Ltd. Liability Company at zero cost - circa 2018. Visit today and show your support. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS LEADERSHIP: Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell - Owner & Chair Dianna Boss - CEO - Corporate & Network Donna L. Quesinberry - CFO | COO | Registrar | President Network | Publisher | Public Relations Analyst | East Coast Director Larry "Magic" Smith - Board Member HONEY - Board Member - West Coast Director KING THA RAPPER - Board Member - Mid-West Director Shonta Gibson - President - Corporate | Vice President - Network KSHOYA - Brand Ambassador ________ CREDIT FOR PROMO REEL #7: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry - all art, content, design, are creations of Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry. dpInk Ltd. Liability Company: DonnaInk Publications: ZenCon Arts CREDIT FOR INTERNAL VIDEOS ON TV SCREEN: credit to originators who did not remit their credit at time of creation. For more information regarding promo promotions and any/all public relations assists, write: . . . mention: Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount of already deep pocketed discounted public relations supports. ________ FACES OF RAP MOTHERS ENTERPRISE COMPRISED OF: Faces of Rap Mothers Corporation Faces of Rap Mothers Fashion Models Faces of Rap Mothers Filmmaking and Movie Production - Faces of Rap Mothers Film and Reality Show LLC - a subsidiary --- Faces of Rap Mothes Comedy Show - a debut feature film Faces of Rap Mothers Television Network Faces of Rap Mothers Music Group ________ AUTHOR CANDY STROTHER DEVORE-MITCHELL BOOKS: Faces of Rap Mothers - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Fathers' Editions - 1 thru 10 Faces of Rap Mothers Presents . . . - 1 thru 10 Rap Mothers Save the Day Children's Books - 1 thru 10 Author Candy Strother DeVore-Mitchell is represented by DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. and our Beat Deep Books and Little Buggy Productions Imprints - support an author - read one of Candy's books today! Activity books author is Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry through DonnaInk Publication's Creations by Q for You! Imprint to learn more and obtain copies of our author's titles, visit: ________ To "be considered" for "select" book representation, write: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry at * Mention Faces of Rap Mothers for a 15% discount. DonnaInk Publications, L.L.C. ( features fiction and non-fiction work from over thirty eclectic authors from nine countries and five continents that discriminating readers love. Our "select author" works authors are represented under traditional title agreement - meaning no cost to the author to produce the title. Ghostwriting w/ or w/out credit is severable - ask for more information. ________ Music in this video Song - Goodies (Album Version), Artist - Ciara, Licensed to YouTube by SME (on behalf of LaFace Records); Sony Music Publishing, UMPI, LatinAutor - UMPG, Warner Chappell, IMPEL, MINT_BMG, PEDL, BMI - Broadcast Music Inc., BMG Rights Management (US), LLC, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UMPG Publishing, Forward Music Publishing Co., Ltd., LatinAutorPerf, ARESA, Reservoir Media (Publishing), ASCAP, LatinAutor - PeerMusic, CMRRA, LatinAutor - Warner Chappell, LatinAutor - SonyATV, 17 Music Rights Societies ________ #facesofrapmothersfilmandrealityshow, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #booksbyentertainers, #authorcandystrotherdevoremitchell, #facesofrapmothers, #CandyStrothersDeVore, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #MadammMeek, #SallySweets, #AngelGuyton, #BlaisaBaby, #DiannaBoss, #BenjiBoles, #facesofrapmothersenterprise, #RapMothersSaveTheDay, #CandyStrotherDeVoreMitchell, #DiannaBoss, #QueenG, #EZWAY, #dpInkLtdLiabilityCompany, #DonnaInkPublications, #facesofrapmothersactivitybooks, #BusinessDevelopment, ##facesofrapmothersfatherseditions, #DonnaLQuesinberry, #Ghostwriterwcredit, #Books, #BookLaunch, #BookRepresentation, #branding, #image, #copyright #coverdesign, #coverdesigner, #editorial, #fiction, #FrontMatter, #Identifiers, #layout, #design, #marketing, #advertising, #nonfiction, #presskit, #PressReleases, #publicrelations, #socialmedia, #websites, #womanownedbusiness, #Articles #Brochures, #ElevatorKits, #BusinessDevelopment, #CapabilityStatements, #Proposals, #desktop, #Contracts, #corporate, #teaming, #plans, #strategicplanning, #strategy, #grants, #management, #managementconsulting, #organizationaldevelopment, #talentmanagement, #pricetowin, #publishing, #qualityassurance, #ghostwriting

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"X" All Female Vocalists

All Female Vocal Group, "X" - their biopic fan book

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© 2023 by dpInk Ltd. Liability Company representing Faces of Rap Mothers and Candy Strother DeVore Mitchell, a DonnaInk Publications author.

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