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Candy Strother DeVore Mitchell shares the stories of rap and hip hop's Rap Mothers in her Faces of Rap Mothers series. The title is forwarded by Mr. Jeffrey Collins, notable music industry executive of Universal Music Group (UMG) and Capitol Records among others.


In this, Book Two, Laurice Adams, Antonette Ames, Dianna Boss, Carlene Corsey, Angela Gilchrist-Guyton, Rolanda Shemwell Greer Macharia, Jamika Smith, Fedra Thompson, and Sharon Lynette Young, join Candy and share their histories within the rap and hip hop culture. Rap Mothers' alternative retrospectives rise up and provide readers with reveals derived from their histories among rap and hip-hop's finest where their familial history may inure even the strongest of women.


Rap Mothers are also comprised of survivors who have bore the brunt of fame and its misfortune or accolades - because in the shadow of rising stars either option can become a part of daily life.


Forward by: Mr. Jeffrey Collins, CEO of Universal and Famous Records

Ghostwriter w/credit: Ms. Donna L. Quesinberry

Book Contributors are listed alphabetically

Faces of Rap Mothers BK #2

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